Message from Secretary
At home, it is a friend; abroad, an introduction; in solitude, a solace; and in society, a light that dispels darkness & brightens humanity to all eternity. So let us all-the management, teachers, students & guardians, pledge to maintain the afore- said dignity of education by imparting and achieving a scientific, empirical, value-based and techno-oriented education in order to prepare ourselves to accept the new challenge that modern competitive era & cope up with the coming circumstances of the socio- economic world with great zeal, vigour & vitality.
Bharathi college of Education provides the state-of-the-art infrastructure & modern facility, may it be library, classrooms, laboratories, canteens, playground, lawns & whatever else is essential for a conductive environment for a curricular, co- curricular & extracurricular activities.
We would love to welcome you here & assure you a wonderful atmosphere for your studies. We are indebted to all our well-wishers who deserve a special mention for the way they co-operated and motivated us.
Wishing all our students brilliant and bright future.
Cordially Yours,
Nitin Parashar
Founder secretary